Oliver rescued from the top of a Yucca Plant – he had been stuck for a week!

On Saturday 4 September, our Manager, Barbara Patrick saw a message on her neighbourhood group about a cat that needed to be rescued out of a ‘tree’ as it had been there for a week.

Barbara immediately offered assistance from our SPCA and then phoned to say that our SPCA would respond within 10 minutes. Inspector Petros Simamane, Field Officer Doctor Ntombile and Barbara left to rescue the black and white cat. It was not an easy rescue as the cat was at the top of a ‘Yucca’ plant and this was against a wooden fence that was not stable so the Inspectors were unable to use our long ladder.

Inspector Petros and Field Officer Doctor came equipped with whatever they might need and asked the homeowner for his pool net so they could extend our equipment. The cat was calling and we were sure that it knew everyone was there to rescue it.

Inspector Petros and Field Officer Doctor worked together gently using our net and a control pole to try and coax the cat, it took some time and thankfully the cat was rescued and immediately put safely into a cage. A few days prior, a lady had come through to make a lost report for a black and white cat missing from the same area ….it had been missing since the 26 August.

She had been checking in regularly about any news on her much loved missing cat and sent through photographs. The family were distraught and the cat’s sibling was also missing him. Thus there was hope that this was the missing kitty, Oliver.  After telephoning the number on the lost report, the cat was taken back to our SPCA, it was not injured but was so thin, very hungry and did not stop eating the bowl of food we gave it, until the bowl was finished.

When Katherine Paley and her daughter, Sarah, came in to see if it was their cat….they were beyond pleased to see it was their Oliver, he was so happy to see them and even happier to be reunited with his brother when they got home.

Thank YOU to the member of our community who saw Oliver, we are so glad he was rescued unharmed and went home. If your pet is missing, please let the Kloof and Highway SPCA know immediately and if you find a stray please let our SPCA know so that we can reunite missing pets. We also recommend microchipping your pet as this makes it so much easier to find the owners when strays come in.

So few of the animals coming into our SPCA are microchipped and it is heart breaking to see them waiting for their owners and not being owner claimed. Please also make sure all your details are correctly registered and updated with the microchip company as we have had animals with chips but no registered details coming up.

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email: reception@kloofspca.co.za
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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