This year we had to think outside the box… and asked our participants to get creative and spend their 24 hours locked away at home. 


A total of R208,548 was raised!! A massive thanks to everyone who donated towards our cause in preventing cruelty to animals. This was a virtual Dog Box with a difference.

This year has certainly brought about a lot of change and we had to ask our participants to literally think out of the box. Nothing could dampen the spirit of the participants and they really went out of their way to make their 24 hours as innovating and creative as possible to be able to raise their bail money of R10,000. Some of our staff were really creative and our Financial Manager, Drienie Englund spent her 24 hours in a horse trailer in what turned out to be a very comfy and warm space. Our Vet, Lauren Erasmus and Vet Nurse, Rivona Ramnanan spent their day in a stable, while Lara Mallory and Brigitte Ferguson settled down with our resident calf, Winter. Our Manager, Barbara Patrick, set up a lounger in the beautiful surrounds of her garden. This was her 6th Dog Box fundraiser making her one of the longest running contestants.

Our two frequent Dog Box participants, Leigh Corbett and Sonia Koenig spent their 24 hours in their cars only leaving for necessary breaks. Shane Cox and Pierre Venter-Maher deserve a mention for their unwavering commitment to every Dog Box and finally, Fiona Williams and Brenda Harding chose Giba Gorge as their venue. We thank them for their enthusiasm.

So 2020 Dog Box was virtual, but it proved to be a success and we thank every single inmate and every single supporter who chose to donate to this fundraiser. Thank you all so much.

Upcoming events:

Christmas Shop
Opening on Tues 19 October
Where: At the Tea Garden next to Hidden Treasures
Times: 8.00am to 3.00pm except Mondays. Also open last Sunday of the month

Movie Night Drive In
Sponsored by Killarney Brick and Block
When: Friday 30 October
Place: Kloof & Highway SPCA Paddocks
Time: TBA
Tickets: Online on Quicket and the cost is R250.00 a car
The Hidden Treasures Marquee will be open beforehand for shopping and food vendors will be available to buy different foods. Paws for Coffee will be open for refreshments.

Upon signing up, you hereby give permission to use your information as set out in the Kloof and Highway SPCA Privacy Policy.

29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email:
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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