Bingo was surrendered by his owner to the Kloof and Highway SPCA at the beginning of July and quickly stole the hearts of our staff.

Bingo was brought in by his owner because he could no longer take care of him.

He had tried to continue to care for his beloved dog after losing his job but sadly his circumstances had changed and there was no light at the end of the tunnel and he knew what he needed to do was make sure Bingo was taken care of. On admission, Bingo was matted, underweight, and lethargic but still had a wagging tail and a happy face. Our Clinic vet, Dr. Bangay found that he had biliary and would need medical care. Due to his dehydration, he was immediately put on a drip and was given the necessary medication. Bingo spent time in the clinic and soon perked up and was fed Hills Nutrition AD. He was given a trim and a warm bath. He started to feel much better and his big personality started to shine through! He is a happy little dog who loves going for walks and stops to say Hi to everyone.

Once Bingo was better, he was put up for adoption. This sweet-natured little dog needed someone who would understand him and give him the loving care he needed. Caroline Durrett‘s daughter told her mom about Bingo and Caroline, who had lost a beloved Maltese called Buffy some time ago, had not been ready to adopt another dog for some time. Her other little Maltese, Lulu needed company as did Caroline and her family, and when she met Bingo she knew straight away that the time was right to add a new family member

In Caroline‘s words, “Bingo has adopted us as if we always had him. He gets on so well with Lulu, my little Maltese although he still does not like to enter a bathroom. He loves everyone who visits and greets us all with his front paws waving. Bingo and Lulu sleep together on our bed at night and just love each other. Macayla, my granddaughter spends many happy moments with him and my husband has also grown so fond of Bingo who goes straight to him for a cuddle when he returns home every evening. Bingo loves to hare around the garden, chase the ball and any cat that ventures into the garden. I miss my Buffy terribly but when I met Bingo, I knew the time was right to adopt and I am so very happy I waited for our special little Bingo!”

Bingo has found his happy ending with his new owners who love him dearly.

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

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Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
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