Our inspectorate team are the superheroes who are out in the field working with the public to ensure that the animals are well-cared for. 

They regularly visit our outreach communities to offer their support by educating the families on how to care for their pets. The team recently visited the Inanda Valley with heaps of dog and cat food as well as treats for the children.

Wednesday the 20th of May was a day of giving and sharing at one of our more remote rural communities.  Our staff made sandwiches for the owners of the animals and we loaded our vehicles with dog and cat food, biscuits and treats for the children and went into the Maphephetheni region of Inanda Valley. 

We received such a warm reception by both the people and their pets. Our Inspectorate team educated and helped where needed. New contacts were made, and old relationships were refreshed. The gratitude we received by both the animals and their owners was overwhelming. 

A big Thank YOU to our supporters for making this possible, your generous donations of food allowed these animals to receive the correct nutrition for at least a good few weeks to a month.

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email: reception@kloofspca.co.za
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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