A beautiful Africanis dog was displaced during the July looting.

Some kind neighborhood watch people spotted her and noticed she was lost. They spent weeks coaxing the frightened and thin dog. Finally they caught her and took her to Kloof and Highway SPCA.

One of our long standing dog walker volunteers, Bernie, spotted her in the stray section and was drawn to her gentle nature.  Bernie started visiting her in kennel 38 and bringing her treats and the dog became excited to see her. Bernie was very keen to take her for a walk and asked if the dog would be vaccinated soon as the dog walkers walk the dogs in the adoption section, not the stray section and are only allowed to walk a dog if it is fully vaccinated. As soon as the dog was vaccinated, Bernie took her for a walk and the dog suddenly jumped up and put her front paws around her arms, holding on so tight Bernie had to pry her legs off.

It seemed as though she was asking for help. A strong bond developed between these two and soon the dog, now named Honey was off to her new home away from the dangerous streets. Honey is the most loving dog who is very intelligent. She is going to dog training and has learnt a few commands which she picked up extremely quickly.

She loves her new home where she has a new soft warm bed and lots of toys. She knows she is safe in her yard and home and gets locked inside when there is no one at home. She seems to know she is safe inside and makes no attempt to escape when left alone. Bernie commented, “She has been a blessing and has brought so much joy to the home. She has lots of energy and entertains with her bouts of racing around the garden and flinging her toys in the air. She is a much loved dog. Every animal deserves a loving home where they feel safe and secure.”

Thank you Bernie for noticing Honey and for giving her such a wonderful forever home.

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email: reception@kloofspca.co.za
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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