On Sunday 12 December 2021 after hours Inspector Israel Silevu was dispatched to collect a sick stray for treatment and safe keeping at the Kloof and Highway SPCA.

The stray dog, a Swiss Shepherd Cross had fallen into a pool and was rescued by the caring family that lived on the property.

It was clear she had not been taken care of for a very long time and was immediately taken to our clinic where she was found to be both underweight and in desperate need of a groom. Throughout the next month the caring family who had rescued her decided they would like her to be part of their family and they named her Lilly. Once Lilly had a good bath and groom we started to notice what a gentle personality she had, something that was hard to determine before as her body language was that of a dog in pain and discomfort. Lilly joined her new family and we have had a wonderful update from her new mom Liane:

“This is Lilly on day 2 of being at home. This is her favorite toy. She is loving her new bug that we bought her. She gets on well with my two other little seniors. She is not used to the cats yet, but we are slowly introducing them. Otherwise she is an angel. She sleeps inside all day and night. She goes outside with the other dogs and the kids during the day and spends time in the garden. We gave her a good bath on Saturday and played with her today with the hose pipe. Who knew, she loves water. We have noticed she is terrified of being locked outside. Yay for us because none of our animals are outside animals. She has an absolutely beautiful nature. Takes her meds with no problem at all and has fitted into our tribe with no fuss at all. We just adore her and I hope she will be very very happy with us. Thank you for letting us adopt her. Regards Liane, Amanda and Ryan

Thank YOU Liane and family for adopting Lilly and thank you to Dog Guru Grooming for grooming Lilly and being so patient and gentle with her making it a stress free experience.

Liane Mullholand who adopted her commented: “It was a really tough decision to adopt Lilly simply because our futures are so uncertain. But she has won our hearts and is officially part of our family so where we go, she goes. What I love most about her is her gentle nature with humans which shocks me to my core considering humans were the ones who neglected and abused her so terribly. Oh and she loves the car. Double bonus when we finally get down to the beach with her. She takes her meds without a any problem. My beautiful old sausage dog shares her brand new bed every now and then. It will take time for her to adjust to the our tiny cross breed dog and the cats and the birds but the fact that she now even notices them shows us that she is feeling much better. Her painful arthritis is under control. She stands and walks painlessly now. We will be taking her for long walks on the weekend and my goodness she is so good on the leash. Her skins has healed beautifully as well and we use the ointment only when she becomes itchy. The redness has gone completely. Thanks again Kloof and Highway SPCA for bringing her back from the brink of death and nursing her through two months of intensive treatment.”

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email: reception@kloofspca.co.za
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
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