For 2 years Inspector Petra Abrams had been calling on a beautiful dog in the Cliffdale area who had lived her life on a very short chain.

Inspector Abrams issued the owner with a warning, then gave advice and assistance to put the dog on a running chain as the fencing was bad in the rural area where the owner stayed and it was understandable that the dog could not run free with no fenced off area.

Inspector Abrams kept visiting and helping by taking food regularly and a collar for the dog. Inspector Abrams felt the dog was not having any quality of life and wanted the owner to surrender her. The owner did not want to surrender her, but still Inspector Petra Abrams persisted in calling on this lovely girl – Dora.

Then the unbelievable happened and Petra managed to persuade the owner to hand the dog over to us. After a stay in our kennels the bond between Petra and Dora grew and the day came when Inspector Abrams adopted Dora.

This happy ending has a very important lesson that every animal matters. Inspector Petra Abrams never gave up on Dora, whom she adopted on 11th October and now Dora leads a free life full of love and all the attention she deserves.

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

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