Drew and Nancy were surrendered to our Kloof and Highway SPCA, with their two puppies.

These beautiful, friendly dogs spent time in our kennels, were walked by our dog walkers and went up for adoption.

Their puppies were cared for in our puppy unit and went up for adoption. All four family members were adopted – although separately to four new homes, it was a joyful day when Drew and Nancy were collected by their new owners at exactly the same time. The puppies went home a bit earlier. Bernha and Tys took Drew home and absolutely fell in love with this gorgeous boy. The Gouws adopted Nancy who had a new sister waiting to meet her (Maia).

Bernha and Tys realised that Drew was a little lonely after two weeks at home and decided to give another homeless animal a second chance at a loving home. Together with Drew, they arrived at the kennels and in a heartbeat little Jazzy‘s face looking up and out melted their hearts. After some meet and greet time in the social area under the guidance of Lara our Kennel supervisor, the decision was made to offer Jazzy a forever home with Drew. Jazzy had come in with her little puppy Schruffalo who was adopted and Jazzy was left on her own, so we are very grateful that she found love in the home of Bernha, Tys and Drew

One of the pups, little Ollie (Rocket) was adopted by Jaryd who has commented – “This little ball of fluff is the perfect addition to our family. He loves playing with Zack, our sausage dog and is obsessed with leaves and the grass. What a blessing this dog is and we love him endlessly!”

Nancy in the kennels

Drew in the kennels

Drew and Nancy going to their homes

Nancy and her new sister Maia

Drew and Bernha

Nancy on a walk

Drew out with Tys

Jazzy and Schruffalo

Nancy and Jazzy

Ollie at home

Jaryd and Ollie Selfie

Ollie enjoying a pile of leaves

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email: reception@kloofspca.co.za
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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