SPCA Hero – Happiness Marawu

SPCA Hero – Happiness Marawu

Happiness is a humble person with a quiet and compassionate demeanour, who quietly goes about her day, singing gently, never complaining and taking such good care of our kittens and cats. Happiness goes about her work with the commitment and dedication that makes her...
SPCA Hero – Mondli

SPCA Hero – Mondli

There are different definitions of a hero, but in our eyes this person is a hero. The Kloof and Highway SPCA is only able to uphold our mandate because of the silent heroes, the behind-the-scenes heroes and the ones who do the invisible work. This gentleman is on his...
SPCA Hero – Petros Ntuli

SPCA Hero – Petros Ntuli

Petros Ntuli has been at Kloof & Highway SPCA for 19 years and holds the position of Assistant Kennel Supervisor. His colleagues affectionately state that Petros is gentle, kind, and has an amazing way of calming the most scared and distressed animal. He is...